Drag and drop

Drag-and-drop (futher DnD) is a feature that allows players to place and take items from inventory. In the same time, menu can change it appearance or behaviour in response for this events.


This feature currently is experimental and has some constraints. For example, you cannot use some DnD actions like placing item by shift-click.


Drag-and-drop feature used in some advanced examples.

Adding DnD ability

To allow players place and take items, add draggable property to menu root:

title: "Menu"
size: 3
draggable: 11
items: [
  // ...

This property has a Slot format. It can accept slot index, range or matrix. In this example we used slot index for single draggable slot. Now if we put or take item from slot 11, this event will not be cancelled.


Regular menu items cannot be draggable. To place draggable item into menu manually, use placeItem action.

Listening for DnD events

There is 3 actions blocks for DnD which may be added to menu root:


Called when some item placed into draggable slot.


Called when some item taken from draggable slot.


Called when any of the above events happened.

For example, we wat to know when player placed item to the menu. Then we need to use onPlaceItem:

title: "Menu"
size: 3
draggable: 11
onPlaceItem {
  message: "You placed item in slot 11"
items: [
  // ...

When player put item into available draggable slot, it will receive message.

These events will be called every time player changed item in draggable slot, even if it just increased it’s amount.

Event onDragItem useful for cases when you need to check draggable slot every time player do sometning in menu.


If player closed menu while some items placed in menu, they will be dropped to the ground.

DnD placeholders

There is special placeholders to check properties of dragged item and other related data. These placeholders uses Item extractor to provide information about dragged item.

DnD placeholders grouped by action types described below. You can play with these placeholders yourself, to understand what kind of data they returns.

For placed item

Has placed_ prefix, and contains data about last placed item. For example:

  • %placed_item_type% - return type of last placed item.

  • %placed_item_amount% - return amount of last placed item.

And so on. See Item extractor placeholders for more information.

It also has special placeholder placed_slot which returns slot index where item was placed in.


If player placed item again and increased it amount, these placeholders will contain info about placed item, not the final one. If you want to get info about final item, use changed_ placeholders or placedItem rule.

For taken item

Has taken_ prefix, and contains data about last taken item. For example:

  • %taken_item_type% - return type of last taken item.

  • %taken_item_amount% - return amount of last taken item.

It also has special placeholder taken_slot which returns slot index from where item was taken.

For changed item

Has changed_ prefix, and contains data about final item after placing or taking. For example, if draggable slot has 32 stones, and player put 32 stones again, there will be item with amount 64. This item available using changed_ placeholders. If you will use placed_ placeholder instead, it will return info about placed item with amount 32.

Usage example:

  • %changed_item_type% - return type of changed item.

  • %changed_item_amount% - return amount of changed item.

Rule placedItem

This is a special rule for DnD menus. It allow to check final item inside some draggable slot after placing or taking. Example:

title: "Menu"
size: 3
draggable: 11
onDragItem {
  rules {
    placedItem {
      slot: 11
      material: COBBLESTONE
      count: 32
  actions {
    message: "Success"
items: [
  // ...

Here, when player place or take item from slot, it will be checked. If there is at least 32 COBBLESTONE items, then player receive Success message.

Special actions

Action placeItem

This action similar to setButton, but it places item which can be taken or changed by player using DnD. Example:

title: "Menu"
size: 1
activators {
  command: "menu"
draggable: [ // Slots 2 and 6
onDragItem {
  rules {
    placedItem {
      slot: 2
      material: COBBLESTONE
      count: 32
  actions {
    placeItem {
      slot: 6
      material: COAL_ORE
      count: "%changed_item_amount%"
  denyActions {
    removePlaced: 6
items: [
    slot: [
    name: " "

In this example, if player placed at least 32 cobblestone in slot 2, then coal ore appears in slot 15. Otherwise, remove placed item from slot 15 if exists.


You can’t place item with this action into non-draggable slot.


Events like onPlaceItem and other won’t be called if using this action.

Action removePlaced

Remove placed item from slot. For example, you need to remove item from slot 5:

removePlaced: 5

This will fully remove item from inventory.

Or, if you need to remove some amount of items:

removePlaced {
  slot: 5
  count: 16

In this case, if item in slot has amount more than 16, it’s amount will be decreased. Otherwise it will be fully removed.