
Activator is an events that causes menu opening.

All activators must be inside the activators block in menu root along with parameters such a title and size. You can specify one or several activators, or you can make menu without activators. Example:

activators {
  command: [ // Open menu by one of the command in list
  join: true // Also open menu on joining to server

In this example, the menu will be opened when you joined to the server, or if you enter /menu or /game command.


Many activators, such a command saves their state to get values and use them in menu. More about this cool feature read in User input article.

All activators


Data type




Multiple types

See example Activator command

Open menu when command entered


Strings list

See example Activator chat

Open menu when entered some chat message


Strings list

See example Activator chat

Open menu when chat message contains some word



join: true

Open when player join the server


Strings list

See example WorldGuard regions

Open menu when player joined some WG region


Strings list

See example WorldGuard regions

Open menu when player leaved some WG region


Objects list

See example Activator clickItem

Open menu when RMB click on the item in the hand


Numbers list

See example Activator clickNPC

Open menu when RMB click on NPC (from Citizens)


Objects list

See example Activator clickEntity

Open menu when RMB click on entity


Objects list

See example Activator shiftClickEntity

Open menu when Shift-RMB click on entity


Objects list

See example Activator clickBlock

Open menu when some block in specified location clicked


Strings list

See example Activator clickBlockType

Open menu when some block of specified type clicked


Objects list

See example Activators button, lever, plate

Open menu when button clicked


Objects list

See example Activators button, lever, plate

Open menu when lever shifted


Objects list

See example Activators button, lever, plate

Open menu when plate activated


Strings list

See example Activator table (sign)

Open menu when sign with some text clicked



See example Activator swapItems

Open menu when player swaps item. By default it’s ‘F’ key

Activator command

Extractor type: Command extractor

Open menu if player entered command. This activator has several formats which described below.


Commands registering occurs during server startup. If you change command’s base name and reload plugin with /am reload, tab complete for new created command may not work. To make it work, you need to reload server. All other changes in commands, like changing arguments will work correctly.

Single command

Just single command name without arguments. Example:

command: "menu"

Command with aliases

You can add aliases to your command. For this, you need to write command activator as list of strings. Example:

command: [

When you enter /menu or /game command, menu will be opened.

Command with arguments

This activator has other, more complex formats. You can build own commands with arguments. See Commands building topic to know how to do this.

Activator chat

Extractor type: None

Full word or phrase

This is a list in which a word or words are specified, when you enter one of them in the chat, menu will be opened. Example:

chat: [ // Ope menu when entered to chat one of the messages
  "open the menu"

Part of a word, phrase, symbol

This is a list in which you can specify words, phrases, etc. Menu will be opened if entered message contains at least one specified word, phrase or symbol. Example:

containsChat: [

In this example, if player’s message contains hey, menu or or symbols together, then menu will be opened.

WorldGuard regions

Extractor type: Region extractor

These activators can only be used with the WorldGuard plugin. Also you need to enable worldGuard parameter in the AbstractMenus general config.

Activator regionJoin

Here listed regions which will open the menu when entering into them. Example:

regionJoin: [  // Open a menu when enter region

In this example, the menu will be opened if you enter to spawn or otherRegion region.

Activator regionLeave

Here listed regions which will open the menu when leaving a region. Example:

regionLeave: [  // Open menu when leaving from region

In this example, the menu will be opened if you leave from spawn or otherRegion region.

Activator clickItem

Extractor type: Item extractor

You can add activator to open menu when some item clicked by right click in player’s hand.

clickItem {
  material: STONE
  name: "Open menu"


Make sure that you specified all item properties. If some property missing, plugin won’t handle click on required item.

Activator clickNPC

Extractor type: NPC extractor

Here listed NPC id which will open the menu when click NPC. Example:

clickNPC: [

In this example, the menu will be opened if you clicked on the NPC with id 1 or 23.


To find NPC id just type /npc sel while you looking at NPC. After this enter /npc command.

Entity clicks

Open menu by clicking on entity. There are two types of this activator: for simple clicks and clicks with Shift key pressed.


All entity types can be found here.

Activator clickEntity

Extractor type: Entity extractor

The clickEntity activator is a list of objects. Each object is a simple entity data. Example:

clickEntity {
  type: ZOMBIE
  name: "&eZombie"

If you want to add multiple entities, you can use this activator as list. Example:

clickEntity: [
    type: ZOMBIE
    name: "&eZombie"
    type: PLAYER

Each object have parameters:


Bukkit’s type of the entity.


[Optional]. Display name of the entity.

In this example we specified PLAYER entity and ZOMBIE entity with &eZombie name. If player clicked on any player or zombie named &eZombie, menu will be opened.

Activator shiftClickEntity

Extractor type: Entity extractor

This activator format similar to Activator clickEntity. The only difference is that this activator will open menu only if player sneaking (usually by Shift key) while click on entity. Example:

shiftClickEntity {
  type: PLAYER

If you want to add multiple entities, you can use this activator as list. Example:

shiftClickEntity: [
    type: ZOMBIE
    name: "&eZombie"
    type: PLAYER

Block click

Block click activators handles clocking on block (right and left click). THere are two types of this activator, to check click by block location, or block type (material).

Activator clickBlock

Extractor type: Block extractor

In this code block you can specify location of some world’s block. If player click on this block, menu will be opened.

clickBlock {
  world: "world"
  x: 0.0
  y: 0.0
  z: 0.0
  yaw: 0.0
  pitch: 0.0

And short version:

clickBlock: "world, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0"

This version has format:

clickBlock: "<world>, <x>, <y>, <z>, <yaw>, <pitch>"

There is ability to specify several locations, since clickBlock is a list.

clickBlock: [
  "world, 0, 0, 0",
  "world, 1, 1, 1",

Activator clickBlockType

Extractor type: Block extractor

In this code block you can specify type of some world’s block. If player click on block of specified type, menu will be opened. Example:

clickBlockType: STONE

If you want to add multiple block types, you can use this activator as list:

clickBlockType: [

On servers with version 1.12.2 or lesser you can use numeric ids.

Activators button, lever, plate

Extractor type: Block extractor

A button, lever and plate activators has same format. Below is example for buttons:

button {
  world: "world"
  x: 0.0
  y: 0.0
  z: 0.0

The location, as in other places, can be specified in one line:

button: "<x>, <y>, <z>" - The world will default (world). Yaw and Pitch are zero.

button: "world, <x>, <y>, <z>" - Yaw and Pitch are zero.

button: "world, <x>, <y>, <z>, <yaw>, <pitch>" - Includes all location parameters.

There is ability to specify several locations, since button, lever and plate is a lists.

plate: [
  "world, 0, 0, 0",
  "world, 3, 1, 8",

Activator table (sign)

Extractor type: None

The table activator is a strings list

table: [

In this example, the label in the first line should be the text [OPEN].

table: [

In this example, the label in the first line should be the text [OPEN], and on the third a menu.

Activator swapItems

Extractor type: None

This activator opens menu if player press key to swap items. By default this key is F. Since this activator has no any arguments, we will use just true value. Example:

activators {
  swapItems: true


This activator works only for MC 1.9+