Types deserializing


In many examples we do not adhere to some Java conventions and common code style to avoid boilerplate code. We want to show how to use API, and not how to write the proper code in Java.

AbstractMenus uses own wrappers over original HOCON configuration library. Javadocs for Configuration API, provided by AbstractMenus, you can find here.

Each menu type in AbstractMenus has own Deserializer. Deserializer is a simple factory that accepts some ConfigNode object and returns native Java type.

Each serializer should implement NodeSerializer interface. This interface has only method to deserialize object from provided configuration node.

Types registration

To register own serializer, you need to use Types manager. There are many methods to register and get serializer for some menu types, like action, rule, etc. But you also can register serializer for any type that you will use in future.

For this, you need to call serializers() method to get common serializers collection (NodeSerializers class) that will be used in AbstractMenus.

To register your type serializer, you need to call method register of given NodeSerializers object. Example:

Types.serializers().register(MyType.class, new MyTypeSerializer());

How to register own menu types, like actions, rules, etc, you can read on Create own types page.


All registrations should be performed in onLoad() method. This because AbstractMenus loads all menus in onEnable() method and all types, used in menus, should be registered before.

Default serializers

AbstactMenus already has serializers for Java primitives and some most used objects:

  • Boolean

  • Integer

  • Long

  • Float

  • Double

  • String

  • UUID

Example 1. Deserialize simple object

Lets try to deserialize simple object of class, called User.

public class User {
    public String name;
    public int age;

And we have HOCON object like this:

user {
  name: "Notch"
  age: 42

Now we need to create serializer for our type.

public class UserSerializer implements NodeSerializer<User> {

    public User deserialize(Class<User> type, ConfigNode node) throws NodeSerializeException {
        User user = new User();
        user.name = node.node("name").getString();
        user.age = node.node("age").getInt();
        return user;

ConfigNode provides access to parsed configuration structure. The only task when we create serializer is to read values from provided config node and write these values to our object.

Example 2. Deserialize objects

Lets say we have such HOCON object:

user {
  name: "Notch"
  age: 42
  friend {
    name: "Alex"
    age: 38

We do not need to ask access to each child object and deserialize it manually. We already have serializer for User type. So lets use modify it to get User object from config node by calling one method.

First, we need to modify User class.

public class User {
    public String name;
    public int age;
    public User friend;

Then our UserSerializer will looks like this:

public class UserSerializer implements NodeSerializer<User> {

    public User deserialize(Class<User> type, ConfigNode node) throws NodeSerializeException {
        User user = new User();
        user.name = node.node("name").getString();
        user.age = node.node("age").getInt();
        user.friend = node.node("friend").getValue(User.class);
        return user;

Now when we call getValue(User.class) configuration api will find registered UserSerializer by User type and deserialize inner type.


To use getValue(User.class) method, you need to register UserSerializer for User type, as described in Types registration part.

Example 3. Deserialize collections

HOCON supports lists of any type. In AbstractMenus API you also can get list of any type. In this example we will deserialize list of User objects.

Lets say we have such HOCON list:

user {
  name: "Notch"
  age: 42
  friends: [
      name: "Petya"
      age: 34
      name: "Alex"
      age: 38

First, lets modify our User class. Now it should has friends list.

public class User {
    public String name;
    public int age;
    public List<User> friends;

Then our serializer will looks like this:

public class UserSerializer implements NodeSerializer<User> {

    public User deserialize(Class<User> type, ConfigNode node) throws NodeSerializeException {
        User user = new User();
        user.name = node.node("name").getString();
        user.age = node.node("age").getInt();
        user.friends = node.node("friends").getList(User.class);
        return user;

Now we called getList(User.class) method to get list of User objects.

You can get list of objects of any types. For example, when you need to get stirngs list, you just call getList(String.class).