
Variable in AbstractMenus is any data, stored in memory and can be accessed through placeholders.

Plugin allows you to save and edit variables through actions or admin commands. Variables can be global or personal.

Global variable:

Variables accessible from any place. This variable belongs to the global space.

Personal variable:

Variable related to player. Personal variable may has different values for different players.

Variables naming

You should only use Latin symbols and _ when you declaring variables, because using any other symbols may call an errors when using in placeholder.

Variable operations

You can create, edit, remove and do math operations with variables (if it’s numeric). These operations described in details here.

Temporal variables

By default, variable exists, until delete manually. But you can also create a temporal variables. Temporal variables will be deleted automatically after some time. Read this topic to know how to create temporal variables.

Also you can get a remain lifetime of the variable. For this you have to use special placeholders, more information about this in table below.

Access to variables

To get value of variable you need to use a Placeholders. You can use it even without PlaceholderAPI, but we recommend you to use it. The list of variable placeholders below.

< >:

Required argument.

[ ]:

Optional argument.





Get global variable value

%var_:myvar% %var_:myvar:No%


Get personal variable value of player who opened menu

%varp_:myvar% %varp_:myvar:No%


Get personal variable value by player name

%var_:Notch.myvar% %var_:Notch.myvar:No%


Get the lifetime of the global temporal variable. If variable is not temporal it will return 0 seconds

%vart_:myvar% %vart_:another_var%


Get the lifetime of the personal temporal variable. If variable is not temporal it will return 0 seconds

%varpt_:myvar% %varpt_:another_var%

Default value is a text or number on which placeholder replaces if requested variable doesn’t exists. If variable doesn’t exists and default value didn’t set, placeholder will be replaced with empty string.

Synchronizing variables

If you have a bunch of servers and BungeeCord, all variables can be synchronized between the servers on which the plugin is installed. By default this is disabled. But if you need it, you can enable this feature in the plugin configuration. To do this, just set the syncVariables and bungeeCord parameters to true.