Plugin API

Javadocs available under this link:

Add API to the project


The latest API version may not match last plugin version. Some plugin versions may use same API version.

If you are not using any build system, just add AbtractMenus jar file to the project in your IDE. If you are using a build system, you can use this artifacts:


repositories {
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    compileOnly 'com.github.AbstractMenus:api:1.14'




You also need to add AbstractMenus dependency in depend list of your plugin.yml file:

  - "AbstractMenus"

Get plugin instance

The main interface which provides access to AbstractMenus services is AbstractMenusPlugin. To get plugin instance, there is two ways.


Make note, that even if you has access to plugin instance on onLoad stage, AbstractMenus initializes all services in onEnable method, you have no access to services such as VariableManager in onLoad method.

Using static provider

If you don’t want to use Bukkit services manager, there is AbstractMenusProvider class with static method get which provides AbstractMenusPlugin instance.

Using Bukkit services manager

AbstractMenus register own plugin instance by default service manager. To get access to AbstractMenusPlugin instance, you just need write something like this:

AbstractMenusPlugin plugin = getServer().getServicesManager()